About Eagle Enterprise LTD
Eagle Enterprises is a registered company in South Sudan and fully owned by South Sudanese, its headquarters is at the Down Town Dream Mall, Suite no1 Juba CBD. The company has its roots mainly as an air transport service that has branched out into in remote site development, country procurement, transportation and the support services sector in general. Our clientele are drawn from the numerous humanitarian organizations and international companies and organization that operate in South Sudan where it supports their domestic and sometimes international logistics needs via air transport and support services that are often tailor made for the different clientele.

Latest Works
We proudly boast a long term patronage clientele list of agencies that include UN organizations, WFP, IOM, UNFPA,UNHCR & Non-Governmental Organizations including Mercy Corp,SEF International, MSF Belgium, MSF Swiss amongst others and multi co-operates such as Dar Petroleum and GPOC.